Join me for my March 19 Breakfast Club Presentation in Bloomington, FREE Registration, Limited Seat
Building Your Company's Talent Bench
Business and the world are changing fast. You want your company to set pace or lead. How? Through your people.
Some organizations may have defined their successors for their top level of leaders (C-suite) but have not gone deeper into their company. It's now more important than ever to develop "General Managers", those in your organization who have the leadership abilities for where your business will be tomorrow.
In this leadership breakfast, we will talk about the importance of developing your future leaders. These may be successors or leaders for new/different businesses your industry is entering.
We'll walk through a 3-phased approach:
Awareness (self discovery/assessment)
Acceleration (development plans, active learning & coaching)
Action (putting it all together and using what is learned)
Thursday, March 19th, 2015
8:00 AM to 9:30 AM
Bethel University, Bloomington Location
8201 Norman Center Drive, 4th Floor
Bloomington, MN 55437
Presenter Jean Radeztsky (Rah det ski) is the Head Coach and Lead Consultant for Avail Coaching and Consulting LLC, a coaching and consulting firm specializing in Leadership Coaching, Organization Development, Career Coaching and Human Resources. Jean's exceptional understanding of people and their strengths is instrumental as she works to unlock the many talents of her clients.